Canberra evangelist brings hope to the streets

WHAT makes a man so determined to share the love of Jesus that he takes his faith to the streets? For evangelist Brian Welsh, it all comes down to one thing.

“What is at stake is the salvation of souls,” he said. “It is a huge responsibility. I think the Church needs to go out onto the highways and byways. People aren’t coming to the Church, so the Church must go out of its pews and reach out to the lost.”

Brian found himself called to street preaching after attending a retreat. “The priest could see I was a lay Catholic evangelist, and I didn’t even know what that meant,” he said. “He told me to go across the street and share the love of Jesus with a stranger. So, I did. I used to know the pub scenes and I always had a big mouth to talk – God just changed that to talk for him instead of the language of the world.”

Brian said while the work could be confrontational and challenging – “People are on different paths; you ruffle a lot of feathers and that’s a good thing” – it was always worth it.

“We have saved a couple of lives from suicide. Brought people into the church. Called people to holiness,” he said. “It is street outreach, but more than that – it is building relationships. I sit down with the poor, buy them a coffee or a meal and really get to know them.”

Brian said people are often more open to conversation than you might expect. “As a rough average, about 20 out of 100 people might stop for a chat,” he said. “It is the first contact with the Catholic Church for a lot of people, and they are really interested.” He has also had days when no one has stopped, and that is okay too. “It is part of my life; the Lord has called me to it,” he said. “He has spoken to me about it, especially when I have wanted to give up.”

This year marks 35 years since Brian started street preaching, and he has no plans to slow down. “Back when I was younger, I had the faith, but there was a loneliness and emptiness,” he explained. “I had come off alcohol, and there was a vast emptiness in my life. I had my sports and my friends, but only God could fill the void. I felt this fire of love come into my heart. Prayer keeps me going – moments of prayer and encounter. I try to create those moments of encounter. You have to be open to the Holy Spirit. When the Lord decides to move, He moves!”

Brian hits the streets of Canberra city every Friday through St Patrick’s outreach. He started out alone, but many others have joined him over the years, with up to 5 people during the day and 18 at the evening sessions.

“But even in my daily life, I am always reaching out,” he said. “I can’t help it. I spoke to three people just on the way here. The Holy Spirit has trained me. Mother Teresa said peace begins with a smile. All of a sudden, there is a conversation flowing.”

Brian said the big question for a lot of people was, ‘Does God love me?’

“But the real question is, ‘Do you love Jesus?’” he asked. “Or do you love your lifestyle more?”


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