Calvary Hospital’s hostile takeover, a first in Australian history
The Catholic Archbishop of Canberra and Goulburn has called for new discussions to “resolve difficulties respectfully” as the ACT government’s announcement to compulsorily acquire Calvary Hospital begins to reverberate around the country.
During a recent pastoral visit with hospital staff, Archbishop Prowse called on the government not to diminish Canberra’s dignity and respect for choice in health facilities.
“Calvary is part of the greatness of Canberra,” Archbishop Christopher Prowse said. “For 44 years, it has offered a touch of human transcendence – from conception to natural death.”
“If this goes ahead, it will be the first time in Australia’s history that a federal state or territory government has engaged in a hostile takeover of a church institution,” he said.
During the pastoral visit, the Archbishop thanked the Calvary Hospital staff for their invitation to visit and to listen to their concerns.
As he moved around the room, speaking to doctors, nurses and administration workers, the staff expressed a deep sense of shock and betrayal.
Many feared the government’s compulsory takeover would “erode the hospital’s core values”. They also said the lack of transparency and consultation with the ACT Government had “stirred up concerns for their future employment”.
“We feel voiceless,” expressed one staff member. “When we were told by the ACT government ‘not to worry about it,’ we felt patronised. Although we give 100 per cent to our work, we now have to navigate the uncertainty of our jobs and the lack of information.”
During his Sunday Mass homily at St Christopher’s Cathedral, Archbishop Prowse strongly denounced the government’s action saying that “the compulsory acquisition of Calvary Hospital should concern not just Catholics or other people of faith, but every ACT citizen.”
“What a terrible thing for us to set a national example here in Canberra as a hostile ACT government plans to takeover by compulsory acquisition our beloved Catholic Calvary Public Hospital in Bruce.
“Let us continue to serve Canberra’s health needs by withdrawing this poisonous legislation that aims to see the death of this wonderful Catholic health facility,” he said.
Freedom of speech…freedom of religion…ACT!!!!!! HANDS OFF!!!!
The head of the ACT government’s transition team says “We’re not anticipating making any significant changes to start with, and by that, I mean several months … there’s no desire to do anything radical or do anything quickly.”
No radical changes for ‘several months’ is supposed to be a reassurance?
I worked at both Lewisham Hospital andCalvary Hospital in Sydney.. and I think it would be a great shame if this happened .
You can’t manage your own affaires
Keep your dirty Hands off our Catholic Hospitals and Schools and all that belongs to the True Catholic Church and Faith Traditions that we following Catholics believe and practice and keep as the One and Only True God for all Faith Believers.
The ACT Government cant even run a bathtub. When they try it is filled with filth. Close relatives who have worked at Parliament House have true stories about corruption. Dont ever believe the Government are working in your best interests.
Sadly the closest thing I have seen to a communist style takeover since the 1950’s
Well! What else would you expect from this government with a chief (???) minister who believes he is God’s gift to politics and really believes he has the same standing as State leaders and even the PM of Australia who of course will support him because they are cut from the same political cloth.
Calvary hóspital and the Staff have shown their respect to the human lives. They have been serving and offered their best service to the local and beyond for nearly half century.
I pray that we all, in solidarity, maintain and protect this service for many generations to come.
Best wishes.
Rev Fr Peter Doai
Why does the ACT Government want Calvary Hospital. What is in it for them. Are they going to take over the Catholic schools next? Is it about money?
It’s about the eradication of any possible dissenting voice to freedom of abortion
Totally agree with Joe Citizen.All for anti life choices, and no one else gets a choice or a say in the matter.This proposed hostile takeover is nothing but sheer ruthless power blasting away and encroaching on the rights of those that want their choice be that Cavalry stays .
Why is this government’s choice so one sided that is so unfair and is really no choice at all.
Am I missing something here, but isn’t the biggest part of the story that the ACT Government have publicly said they will steal the hospital from it’s rightful owners just because they want to, and NO mainstream media outlet has covered this.
Since when can a government expropriate private property in Australia? That any Catholic or Christian of any persuasion can vote for Labor or the Greens is beyond me. The shame of it all is that the Liberal Party are rapidly becoming just as woke and just as “progressive” (read communistic anti-truth and anti-Christian)
This is so terrible! What country are we living in these days? This Labour Government is going to destroy the very foundations this wonderful country was built on! The Christian values our great country was built on is now being destroyed! The effect on our youth is very disturbing, no belief in God will destroy this country and we can also see this happening now! The propaganda we are now being bombarded with is very disturbing! Our politicians are answerable to God first and the the people they represent second! To think taking over Calvary Hospital just shows a low disgusting act! This is persecution nothing less! Pray leave Calvary Hospital and other Christian Institutions alone! Communist acts do not belong in our country!
Demand an answer from PM Albanese. Is it Labor Party policy to support the Calvary Hospital takeover ?
Mr Albanese attended a Catholic Secondary College where fees were waived due to his mother’s poor health.
Labor’s own research into the 2019 election loss found that 400,000 Christian voters deserted Labor .This was the real reason for Scomo’s “miracle” win . ( Ref : Emerson-Weatherill Report)
The Labor Party will be even more “on the nose” if the Calvary Hospital takeover proceeds
As the saying goes there is nothing new under the sun. Let us pray an do as Naboth did by not giving away our heritage from our ancestors, and in our generation not to give away this pearl of Christianity. 1 Kings 21:1-29.