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  • Andrew Phelan 12 months

    Very interesting story.  A correction – there are a couple of other churches with better claims to be ‘the oldest Catholic Church on mainland Australia, still in its original footprint and still in continuous use’:  St Brigid’s in Observatory Hill, Sydney (opened as a school and chapel in 1835, still in its footprint but with a storey added a few years after it opened); and St Matthew’s Catholic Church, Windsor NSW (still very much in its original footprint and form, and consecrated on 21 October 1840).  I grew up in the St Matthew’s parish, which celebrated its sesquicentenary in October 1990.

  • Fr. assin 12 months

    yes.. so nice to see this Catholic footprint after 7 years. i have served the community for two years, between 2015-2017. i recollect the enthusiasm, commitment and dedication of the people of Bungonia. i can’t forget the bruch meal that was served in the house of Anne, Moria and my beloved Denny and many others..
    fr. varghese assin Thaiparambil, kerala, india.

  • Anne Wiggan 12 months

    dear Andrew .there are no structural second storeys etc to St Michaels or other variations to the original .That is why it is so special .it has always been and is still consecrated as a church