Wordpress (5)
  • Roger 5 years

    Very interesting and well written summary about an interesting media production on an extremely rivetting topic, thanks Elizabeth!

  • Jan Baker 5 years

    The Chosen is definitely the most Spirit-filled depiction of the Gospel stories ever produced. Jonathan Roumie’s humility and surrender to the Spirit before each shoot, allows Jesus to shine through him. As he said, “Less of Jonathan and more of Jesus.”

  • Rosalind Dale 5 years

    Thanks Elizabeth. I am really looking forward to seeing this after reading your article. Keep up the good critiques!

  • Alicia 4 years

    Such an incredible production. Absolutely love it!. Praise God!

  • Christine Riley 4 years

    Thankyou for the stories about the chaplains. I am a chaplain at St George Hospital Sydney. I have not been able to attend since March.