Authority & Authenticity
Mark can’t help himself:
Immediately on the Sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and taught (Mark 1).
Mark loves that word ‘immediately.’ He uses it 42 times in his Gospel:
Immediately there was a man in the synagogue with an unclean spirit.
Jesus silences, and then expels, the unclean spirit:
Be muzzled. Come out of him.
People are amazed:
Immediately word went forth of Jesus everywhere in the neighbourhood.
Jesus of Nazareth is revealing who he is.
The confrontation with the powers of darkness is in full flight. It is one of the main characteristics of the Gospel of Mark:
Jesus is victorious. His authority and authenticity are powerfully manifested.
In particular, the disciples are witnessing the unity of his words and actions. Theology expresses it like this:
His words interpret his actions. His actions confirm his words.
Now grab hold of this truth and make it your own, because if you do, Jesus will come alive in and for you.
The best theology becomes best spirituality:
In particular, when you hear the Word of God proclaimed, you will experience the authority and authenticity of Jesus with a regularity that will nourish your spirit, soul and body.