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  • Colliss Parrett 4 years

    I don’t understand why the two forms of the Mass can’t co-exist without further restriction on the one. I learnt Latin for 3 years at school but appreciate Latin is a dead language. I have difficulty absorbing into my faith that Our Lord would oppose the Latin Mass – which has served the Church so well over the centuries – dying a ‘natural’ death.

  • Margaret Butts 3 years

    If our family had not been able to attend the Traditional Latin Mass celebrated in A Rental
    non-catholic church by the Reverend Father Cummins R.I.P( who had permission from his Bishop by
    the way… Saying he was ‘too old’ to change) none of our children and 37 grandchildren would
    be still practicing their faith. Only one family group is not practicing. All others
    attend Traditional worship in different parts of Australia when ever possible.

    • Allan and Anne Rogers 2 years

      May God continue to bless you Margaret and Graeme and your whole family .

      How quickly the hierarchy forget the martyrs and the examples of those who stood alone

      like Bp St John Fisher and St Thomas More. Anne Rogers.