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  • Solomon Gomez 5 years

    There are number of things in the confessional.

    1. A priest does not know the identity of person other side of the curtain, who is making confession.
    2. Why a priest should be going outside the confessional box and find out the identity of person.
    3. Why should a person who have committed a crime such as abusing a child, would come to confession. This is highly unlikely that a person would come to confessional and make a confession of such crime.
    4. Observing a confessional seal is ‘man made law’ (Cannon Law) it is not made by God and what is made by man can be modified, changed for the benefit of other humans.
    5. In my opinion ‘what a person hopes to get, confessing such crime in confessional’ If he has been God fearing, in the first place he should had not committed such crime, why he wants forgiveness from God, why not reconciling with other humans, against he has committed crime. Human relations are more important that God’s relations.
    6. Church should review its policies and ‘man-made laws’ and change them for the benefit of humanity.

  • George Burnell 5 years

    This attack on the Church is “rubbish” legislation, I.e. unworkable and unenforceable, and I think clergy and laity should continue regardless.  However, if governments resort to oppressive tactics against priests, such as bugged confessionals or fake confessions, might that not justify broader use of general absolution?

  • deesa 5 years

    I’m guessing that this law is about ratting on fellow religious so they don’t go hidden for decades in their midst. Has the Church offered a genuine alternative to their failed practices of the past where a blind eye was cast over brutal brothers and sisters? I can imagine that leniency is still often applied to questionable behaviours, of lay and religious alike, to those favored in our churches. None of the faithful want to entertain the idea of abuses upon the vulnerable in our communities again. The claim that priests don’t know who is confessing is trotting out a falsity. The claim that brothers or sisters don’t bring their sin to God in confession is a fabrication. Religious and lay have a responsibility to stand up against sin and if it means walking a fellow into the safe hands of the law, for the sake of our children, then they need to say “I will walk in the light with Christ by our side”. Too many good and faithful people are standing waiting for the church to pull down the veils behind which it has hidden. Doctrine is the pillars to uphold God’s holy sanctuary; not for creating compounds for secrecy and darkness.