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  • Bob 1 year

    Thank you your Grace and well said.

    More strength to the arm of Fr Percy and the Taskforce’s efforts. If donations are being received to fund this battle it would be good for those details to be published far and wide.

    I suspect that the last time a Catholic institution was expropriated anywhere in the world would have been in mainland China. This says it all about the ideology driving the local regime.

  • Heath Robinson 1 year

    Shades of King Henry VIII and the dissolution of the monasteries. What next? Would the church-schools be the next victims?

  • Hazel Lim 1 year

    Thank you, Archbishop Christopher Prowse, for shepherding us through this challenging time for the people of the Archdiocese and the ACT.

    By baptism, we are called to yield to the Holy Triune God’s call in the here and now, actively partaking in the live Eucharist, every moment of our life — fighting a good fight, finishing the race, and keeping the faith (2 Timothy 4:7).

    By profession, I am a researcher/ economist/ statistician who also fought a legal battle on my own, in this country. I did it for no other reason than to see a better Australia for workers, as God calls us to speak in the face of injustice…

    To be witnesses for God is every Christian’s, every Catholic’s business. If the task force requires the work of a researcher, I’m happy to be considered. I did my postgraduate studies at the ANU and UC, with a PhD in Economics.

  • Colin Kish 1 year

    Thank you, Archbishop Christopher Prowse, for shepherding us through this challenging time for the people of the Archdiocese and the ACT.

    It’s a matter of money. The Government seems to want Calvary Hospital to pay more into Government coffers. I admire the current hospital staff for their care and concern and mostly for their dedication.

    The Government should stay out of hospital management. Leave it to the professionals. This type of interference is an indication of gross incompitace.

  • Matto 1 year

    If it aint broke, don’t fix it.

    If it aint woke, don’t nix it.

    • JAMES FIFE 1 year

      Cool comment Matto!
      Couldn’t have said it better myself!
      As a long time Belconnen resident, and an Anglican, I’ve always received the utmost care whenever I’ve been to Calvary.

  • Irene Franklin 1 year

    There are plenty of Public Hospitals in which abortions occur regularly, I know because I’ve worked in such. There is no need for anyone seeking an abortion or euthanasia to go to a Catholic Hospital.This situation is absurd in my view. I graduated from Sydney University in 1972 in Medicine and worked in that field for 33 years till retirement.

  • Susan-Mary Withycombe 1 year

    Thank you, Archbishop Christopher.  I have recently had long and distressing  personal experience of the muddle and mess at Canberra Hospital in Woden, in spite of the skill and care of patients given there by hard-working staff. My experience of Calvary Hospital, by contrast, has been very positive.  
    Canberra certainly needs more than one new hospital to serve the needs of its increasing population as well as for patients outside the ACT.  Since the ACT Government has control of most of the Territory’s undeveloped land, it would be better to build from scratch another hospital in Molonglo or Tuggeranong.

  • Chris Nickle 1 year

    I’m a nsw resident and extremely alarmed and disgusted at this unwillingness to engage with and/or ignore the community concerns in this matter 

  • Richard Rozario 1 year

    I’m an Australian living in Perth since 2012. I’m a practicing Catholic from India who migrated to Australia following my childhood dream of the beautiful Western life. It makes me wonder whether I’ve made the right choice as I didn’t expect to see all this happening over here. Christians/Catholics are being persecuted in every sphere of life. Let goodness prevail amongst our Leaders.

  • Nick Rijs 1 year

    If they can take over a hospital what business is next 
    Better invest some where else 

  • Van Mai 1 year

    Thank you, Your Grace, for your insightful article.

    I would like to share my personal story as someone who escaped from Vietnam almost four decades ago due to religious persecution. During that time, the government seized nearly all monasteries, seminaries, and Catholic schools, repurposing them as state shcools, institutions and government buildings. Witnessing these actions was a stark reminder of the oppressive measures often associated with communist countries. In contrast, I have always considered myself fortunate to have found a new home in Australia, a beacon of democracy and religious freedom.

    However, recent events have deeply shaken me to the core. The compulsory acquisition of the Calvary Hospital by the ACT government has left me feeling fearful and uncertain about the future in my adopted country, Australia. The hospital, with its profound Catholic values and commitment to healing, stands as a testament to the importance of compassion and faith in our society.

    Your Grace, I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. It is disheartening to witness a place that has served as a haven for healing and care being subjected to forceful acquisition. I sincerely hope that the ACT government will reconsider its decision and explore alternative solutions that uphold the principles of religious freedom and respect for diverse communities.

    Once again, I express my gratitude for your wise words, Your Grace, and for shedding light on this issue that deeply concerns many of us who have experienced religious persecution firsthand.