Archbishop invites all for Rosary online

When the going gets tough, the tough get going and for the faithful that means they get going with prayer.

With churches closed, the Rosary kicked off online for the archdiocese yesterday with Archbishop Christopher Prowse leading the devotions on the Zoom video platform.

The event proved to be far more popular than anticipated and unfortunately the “house full” sign went up when the licence subscription of 100 participants had been exceeded.

This issue had now been addressed to allow more participants to join.

For the extent of the lockdowns, the Archbishop invites all to pray the Rosary as a community via Zoom each Wednesday and Friday at 4 pm.

“All you need are your Rosary beads and your intentions,” the Archbishop said.


TIME: Every Wednesday and Friday at 4 pm during lockdown

ZOOM DETAILS: Simply click on the link Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Rosary

Or enter in the details below after opening the Zoom app

Meeting ID: 850 2245 8332

Passcode: 543675



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  • Beth Gibson 4 years

    It’s lovely to think of so many people finding a sense of community and belonging in this time of lockdown! Also reminds us to be thankful for the wonder of new technology!! 

  • David McCann 4 years

    I agree with Beth’s comment and I know of many groups locally who link up for quiet meditation. It is a pity that we always seem to use devotions like the rosary that many of us no longer use. I hope the synod may open up our Catholic tradition to the riches of other forms of prayer, David McCann