Archbishop announces major priest relocations for 2025

In early January 2025, the Archdiocese will experience significant changes as several priests will move from their current parishes. It is acknowledged that these moves may be unsettling for some people and even challenging for some of the priests.

As diocesan clergy, being moved is part of our life in ministry and our role and responsibility in the local church as we support our chief shepherd, Archbishop Christopher and ultimately, the People of God in Canberra and Goulburn.

Moves usually are, but not exclusively, made after six years. When the Archbishop makes his appointments, he attempts to do so in a consultative manner.
He has a ‘College of Consultors’, usually of experienced and often senior priests, who advise him on clergy moves. The Consultors meet at least four times a year. This year, several members of the Consultors are involved in the moves, which has made for a more challenging conversation than usual.

Before us, there are always the Archdiocese’s needs, the priests’ charisms and gifts, and the needs or issues apparent in each parish. The appointments are not made lightly, and sometimes there may be some angst, but we know we must all work together for the good of the local church and our presbyterate.
Please pray for your priests as they start a new chapter in their lives.

Farewell Gathering Honors Fr Alex and Fr Trenton

Cathedral parish gathered last week to farewell Frs Trenton and Alex

“Saying goodbye is quite a bit harder than reading a homily,” Fr Alex Osbourne said on Friday evening at a gathering to farewell both Fr Alex and Fr Trenton Van Reesch from the St Christopher’s Cathedral Parish.

Currently assistant priest in the Cathedral parish, Fr Alex has been appointed parish priest of Temora, commencing in early January.

Cathedral administrator Fr Trenton will leave his role to undertake further theological studies.

“It’s not really goodbye, though,” Fr Alex said.

“We are part of a community that’s beyond a parish. We are part of a Church. These years have, I think I can say, been the best of my life.”

Fr Alex said the Cathedral parishioners had inspired him on his own journey.

“I’ve been amazed at your faith,” he said.

“You all want to grow, to develop, and you’re not set in your ways. You want to become more Christ-like. That’s the greatest encouragement you can ever give a priest. It has been such a blessing to serve you, and no matter where I go, I will always hold this in my heart. You have become part of me.”

Fr Trenton said he was immensely grateful for the past six years.

“It was a great privilege to accept the appointment by the Archbishop all those years ago, but I have grown immensely in my own faith, and it really has been you that helped me understand,” he said.

“I always say God never loves from a distance, and I really truly do believe that. Especially in challenging times, but also in joyful times, I have been able to see Christ in you.”

The Archbishop’s clergy appointments commence on Friday 3 January, 2025.



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