Wordpress (16)
  • Beverly von Stein 2 years

    Father Tom Thornton was moved from St Thomas Aquinas Parish, Charnwood and sent to Batemans Bay Parish, temporarily, we were told. However he does not appear to be returning to St Thomas Aquinas Parish [which was originally promised] then who is going to be our new Parish Priest? 
    So sad we have lost Father Tom. We could understand him. He spoke clearly and distinctly.  His sermons reflected the concept of the Gospel and were relatable in our daily lives.

    • Paul Jordan 2 years

      Nice to see one of my old primary school teachers here.

      Father Tom, from what I’ve seen, is a caring spiritual father and gives succinct sermons.

      I don’t know who is replacing him.

  • Mark Vincent 2 years

    It’s sad to see priests being moved and no replacement!  Soon there will be no mass conducted by a priest in the country regions!

  • Kevin Croker 2 years

    Fr Mark, Moe will be right in his element chasing rabbits and roos in the high country!!!

    • Tony Cassar 2 years

      Now has plenty of Roos and bunnies right here in his back yard.

  • Edyta 2 years

    It will be sad to see Father Mark Crocker go. He has been one of the reasons I like going to church in Amaroo. Hope Father Troy will continue his legacy.

  • Kath 2 years

    So sad to loose Fr Eden from our parish.   Gungahlin parish is extremely lucky to have him.   Hope he returns to Moruya parish sooner rather than later! 

  • Anne Elphick 2 years

    Very sad to loose Fr George and Fr.Namora from the Tumut and Gundagai parish.

  • Bev Moore 2 years

    Goulburn is losing Fr Joe. Who are we getting in his place 

  • John WILSON. 2 years

    Good to see new Clergy details. Have not heard anyone say the info is clear – – for visitors and people from other parts of Canberra. What does “North Woden or South Belconnen Etc. mean ? Someone apparently likes playing games ?
    Would be good if someone could organise SPIRITUAL COMMUNION with words on screen for the Cathedral Mass – – many people cannot make it to a Church or have no hearing Etc. Etc. Cathedral Masses, homilies Etc.are very good but need WALK as well as TALK. HAPPY DAYS. John- – Wanniassa.
    0403 050 960

  • Helen Pitt 2 years

    Very upset and disappointed that Fr. Tom Thorton will not be returning to STA Charnwood .Fr Tom was only with us for a very short time. I feel that STA is the forgotten parish and that we are at the end of the line.Thank you Fr. Tom for all the great work that you did while at STA Charnwood.

    Helen Pitt

    • Paul Jordan 2 years

      How could it be forgotten when the church was designed by Aldo Giurgola and Father Neville Drinkwater was parish priest for 42 years? It was named after a genius of a saint.

  • Anna Kilmartin 2 years

    I am incredibly sad to see the loss of Father Tony Percy as Vicar General to our region. His service and leadership has been phenomenal and dearly treasured by so many of us at St Christopher’s, Wanniassa and within the region as a whole. His ability to connect with and communicate with community is unlike I have ever experienced from and within the church. He truly walks alongside you…. His humour, intellect, humility, connection, music, translation of the Gospel, spirituality and love of God, man and community will be greatly missed. Thank you and may God Bless you Padre!

    • Katarina 2 years


    • Paul Jordan 2 years

      Father Tony Percy became my friend as I’m autistic and he wanted to know more about it. He knew Tim Fischer who was also autistic. He preaches useful sermons, wrote a book on Catholic business people (his PhD). He’s a brilliant man so I invite you to keep in touch with him.

  • Paul 2 months

    Now you have Father Michael Lim.