ACU Centre for Liturgy launches Liturgy Nexus for Schools

Jason McFarland. Photo supplied.
AUSTRALIAN Catholic University (ACU) has launched a Liturgy Nexus for Schools to help promote excellence in liturgical praxis in Catholic education.
The ACU Liturgy Nexus for Schools is a subscription-based online network that provides a platform for conversations and resource-sharing for Catholic school staff who prepare and celebrate liturgy.
Good liturgical praxis requires a solid knowledge of the rituals and principles contained in the Church’s official liturgical books, as well as the skills to apply those principles well in practice.
An initiative of the ACU Centre for Liturgy, the network will provide a forum for Catholic school personnel to ask important questions and raise issues related to liturgy in a welcoming space moderated by liturgical experts.
Being a part of the conversation will help increase the confidence and competence of those preparing and celebrating liturgy.
ACU Centre for Liturgy Assistant Director Dr Jason McFarland said that too often, those with the role of preparing liturgies do not have sufficient training for the task.
“The ACU Liturgy Nexus for Schools will better equip Catholic school staff for their work. A national network involving personnel from primary and secondary schools can facilitate the sharing of resources and offers an excellent opportunity for professional development,” said Dr McFarland.
“The online network will be moderated by a liturgical specialist with extensive experience in the Catholic schools context to create a welcoming space for staff to ask liturgical questions, receive accurate direction and guidance, and be pointed to useful liturgical resources.”
Membership is granted to applicants who meet the eligibility criteria. The membership fee is $30 per year.
For more information on the ACU Liturgy Nexus for Schools or to register visit: ACU Liturgy Nexus for Schools online.
The ACU Centre for Liturgy aims to facilitate liturgical formation at every level in the life of the Church in Australia and is committed to supporting schools to celebrate liturgy well. Support is available to schools individually, regionally, at Diocesan levels and to those in remote settings.