A Miracle
From Proverb 8:
I was by his side, a master craftsman, delighting him day after day, ever at play in his presence, at play everywhere in his world, delighting to be with the sons of men.
This is wisdom speaking and it could be – should be – us speaking too.
And why not, for God is within.
We have been baptised – immersed – in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are living tabernacles, carrying God within.
It is a miracle – way beyond our thinking, willing, desiring.
But there we have it. God is within.
We take note of that beautiful text of Proverbs:
We delight in being with God – day by day, for that is how life is given.
We are playful in his presence – playful everywhere, whether at work or leisure.
We delight to be in the presence of all humanity – because we all belong to him.
Might we all be a little more lighthearted, a little more joyful, a little more playful – at all times, in all places?