Wordpress (7)
  • Jeff Smart 5 years

    How blessed we were to have had Fr Francis as our Shepherd in our Archdiocese.

  • Han de Grave 5 years

    Fr Francis greetings I like your way of explaining the situation of the Catholic church’s dilema and do not see any way out.
    As you explained our ‘free range chicken’ streak in us (especially me) I have moved on to a Pentecostal church here in Moruya, Pauline however is still Catholic and goes to mass there when she can again.
    Just that I met in you a man of Christ and I relished the time we shared. God bless, Han.

  • Colleen reed 5 years

    Such a wise and honest person who reaches out to others. We were so blessed having Fr Francis in Canberra for so long. So pleased to read your wise reporting. Thankyou

  • Narelle Mullins 5 years

    You have been a wonderful friend in good times and in tough times.You always seem to operate from the heart rather than power.A truly wise man of God!

  • Laurie Bondeson 4 years

    Hi from a long time ago! So many memories, and all of them good – as when you wanted to at least train with Griffith Aussie Rules but needed the agreement of the parish priest, Father John Harper who was Griffith Rugby League patron. Great to be able to say G’day to you again after such a long time, and to know you are still standing! From a long ago altar boy at Griffith!

  • Gary J. A. Hansen. - Budapest,Hungary : 3 years

    Father Francis – “blessed” sharing in this artical.
    His answers simple without complication – of Candour.
    We forget often – that in the earthly life that Christ Jesus spent amongst us 37 years as to the miracle number witnessed in his earthly life – that he was a Simple Preist and Teacher.
    God tells the Prophet Samuel :
    ” The Lord does not look at the Things – people look at.
    People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord, looks at the Heart.”
    Father Francis – Thank-You and my sharing of God speaking to Samual – muchly in what is you, as an Instruement of the Peace and the Un-Conditional Love – the Mercy and Foregiveness of Christ Jesus.

  • Jan Baker 2 years

    Thank you for being such a beautiful and loving friend. Such a good and respectful listener and never too busy to write a personal reply. A rare and gracious gentleman. A blessing on my life.