Stopped in our Tracks
God has entrusted married couples with the gifts of love and life. We are ‘stopped in our tracks.’ God has such trust in us.
The Church prefers to use the word matrimony, not marriage.
Because the word matrimony means ‘mother-making,’ and by implication ‘father-making.’ The word is helping us understand the intimate connection between love and life.
Of course, this truth is challenged almost everywhere in our culture. By the time young people leave schools, whether public or private, they usually think:
With regards to human sexuality, beware of two things: Sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) and pregnancy.
They think this because they have been taught it, along with a host of false views and practices in and around human sexuality.
What can we do?
Reclaim the rightful role of parents as prime-educators of our children:
Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children, creating a home where tenderness, forgiveness, respect, fidelity and service are the rule.
The home is well suited for education in the virtues (CCC 2223).
Since this is true, parents should form effective parent associations to ensure that their values, and not the culture, prevail with their children.