Conversations in the Spirit: Dynamics within the Synodal Church
As we prepare for our Archdiocesan Assembly in October, many have asked about our engagement strategy known as Conversations in the Spirit.
Q1. What is the origin of this strategy or process?
This process is rooted in Sacred Scripture. Some key verses include:
-“Do two men take the road together if they have not agreed to meet?” Amos 3:3
-“If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.” John 14:10
-“It has been decided by the Holy Spirit and ourselves…” Acts 15:28
-“Be quick to listen but slow to speak and slow to rouse your temper.” James 1:19
Q2. Has the Church used this discernment method before?
Yes, notably at the Council of Jerusalem (50 CE). It was reintroduced to the Western Church by Pope St Paul VI, while the Eastern Church has continuously used it. Pope Francis, inspired by Jesuit traditions, has recently revived this practice of active listening, known as Ignatian Conversation.
Q3. Was this method used in last October’s Synod of Bishops in Rome, and will it be used in the upcoming session this October?
Yes, it was used last October and will be used again this October.
Q4. How does Spiritual Conversation work?
Spiritual Conversation emphasises the quality of listening and speaking, focusing on the spiritual experiences of those involved. It requires active listening and heartfelt speaking, creating a trusting atmosphere. The aim is to discern how the Holy Spirit is working within the conversation.
Extract from the Vademecum: 2023-2024 Synodus Episcoprum.
Q5. How is this Conversation method implemented in our Archdiocese and parishes?
We meet in small groups similar to those in the Bishop’s Synod in Rome. For example, at our quarterly Archdiocesan Council of Priests meetings, 14 priests gather with the Archbishop using this model. Parishes are encouraged to adopt this method to prepare for the October Assembly and align with the universal Church’s synodal practices. This approach ensures everyone has a chance to speak and promotes respectful listening without immediate discussion or negotiation. Key questions guide the conversation, followed by a period of silence for reflection.
Q6. What challenges might we face during these Conversations?
Good question. First, many are accustomed to focusing on tangible outcomes in meetings, while Conversations aim more at listening to diverse viewpoints, identifying commonalities and differences without immediate resolution. This can be challenging for those who like to move quickly towards action. Additionally, this process requires time and thorough preparation for effective participation. This preparatory phase is crucial for the success of our upcoming Archdiocesan Assembly. Broad participation from those familiar with the Conversations process is essential.
Q7. What are the next steps after the October Assembly?
This Assembly is expected to be the first of many. It will help the Archdiocese engage more inclusively with the future, guided by the Holy Spirit as we learn to walk together.
Thanks Fr Richard 😊
What is the date in October for the Archdiocesan Assembly?