Gushes Forth
No one likes being isolated or absorbed:
We don’t like being lonely. Neither do we like losing our identity.
The question posed to John the Baptist is, then, perennial:
Who are you? (John 1).
The answer gushes forth from our second reading:
May the God of peace make you perfect and holy, and may you all be kept safe and blameless, spirit, soul and body (1 Thessalonians 5).
Human beings are composite beings, unlike God and the angels.
The bridge between our bodily life and our intellectual, willful and spiritual life is, of course, our five senses.
Of the five senses, the sense of touch is the standout, for without it we could not walk, drive a car, hold a knife and fork.
Since the senses are symbolic, too, we take note of the fact that the sense of touch symbolises love. Hard to imagine loving someone without touching them.
The answer gushes forth from our Gospel:
A man came, sent by God. His name was John. He came as a witness to speak for the light, so that everyone might believe through him (John 1).
What dignity we have:
Body, soul and spirit reflecting the Light.