Wordpress (3)
  • Chris Rule 3 years

    There is an old abandoned cemetery at Ryanvale on the banks of the Mulwaree cemetery where there are still bodies buried. The cemetery was next to St Michael’s Church which had to be moved because of regular flooding. When I visited the site in 2013, I think it was, with my wife and my brother, the large gravestone of James Byrne, an ancestor of ours, was still standing and could be still read. There is also the cemetery at St Lawrence’s Church at Spring Valley where Sykes’ ancestors/relatives of ours are buried. In fact two of the Sykes who are buried there were also buried previously at Ryanvale. There bodies were exhumed and taken to the cemetery at Spring Valley.

    • Chris Rule 3 years

      I should have said Ryanvale on the banks of the Mulwaree river.

  • Daryl John Burnet 3 years

    Keep a bottle of Holy Water in your car. When visiting Cemeteries sprinkle Holy Water on the Graves while praying “Eternal rest grant unto…..”.

    Many family and friends are buried around Canberra. I have drowned them in Holy Water(and prayers).
