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  • Peter Donnan 5 years

    As Archbishop Christopher stated in the December issue of ‘Catholic Voice’, “Some parishes are showing leadership in organising small groups to ponder upon the six national themes for discernment” in relation to the Plenary Council. Fr Trenton van Reesch’s article above and Fr Richard Thompson’s columns illustrate such leadership initiatives occurring around the diocese. In the parish of St Matthew and St Vincent de Paul, South Belconnen, similar meetings are occurring.  The reporting of these in ‘Catholic Voice’ supports the lead-up to the  Plenary Council. Another step would be to cover some of the ideas and suggestions arising from these meetings. Father Trenton wrote that he was “struck by the diverse perspectives and understandings”. Fr Richard added some extra detail in his article speaking of “supporting clergy from overseas, trying to get other cultures to participate more actively in parish life, city parishes supporting rural communities and better quality preaching.” This reporting of specific proposals and reform agendas in ‘Catholic Voice’ is valuable and promotes sharing between parishes. The final theme for discernment is around conversion, renewal and reform and the Catholic Church in Australia can be enriched by winds of change and renewal. ‘There does not appear to be much buzz on the streets concerning the Plenary”, Father Richard writes, but extended reporting by Catholic media can help.