Five minutes with… Fr Adrian Chan
This month, the Catholic Voice spent five minutes with Fr Adrian Chan.
What parishes have you been involved within this Archdiocese?
Bega, Gungahlin, Kambah
Do you have any places you particularly like to visit?
Jindabyne for the snow
Who inspires you in your faith?
My novice master Father Tom Curran for his humour and Irishness
Do you have a favourite Saint?
St Teresa of Avila
Have you been to any great concerts?
I prefer musicals like the Sound of Music and Hairspray
Do you have a favourite sporting team and/or sport (and why)?
I support As Roma since studying in Rome
What is your favourite food or beverage?
Non-spicy Indonesian food
Do you have a favourite place to eat?
Canberra centre food court
What is your favourite movie?
Gladiator starring Russell Crowe
What is your favourite book and last book read?
Pillars of the Earth. The Hunt for Red October
What is your favourite place for a holiday?
Hong Kong
What is your favourite quote, phrase or motto?
Life is like a box of chocolates
What is the best advice you have ever been given?
What matters is the journey, not the results
Hey Fr.Adrian. Congratulations on your ordination. You will be a great blessing to our archdiocesan church. Thanks for all you did down in Bega/Tathra/Candelo/Bemboka churches and at St. Patrick’s school when you were in our parish at St. Patrick’s Bega while you were here.
I will agree with you on the book “Pillars of the Earth” which a fellow teacher, Debbie, put me onto. She began for me two pilgrimages to many of the great Gothic churches in Europe… all from one book(and of course the rest in the series). I will keep you in my prayers.