Farewelling Year 12, the Merici way

Merici College farewell


Across the Archdiocese, schools are farewelling their graduating classes for the final time. If your school has a short story or photos from your your Year 12 farewells, we’d love to share it via the Catholic Voice. 

The Merici College school community farewelled their Year 12 students on Thursday at a very moving assembly.

The assembly commenced with their “little sisters” (Year 7s) singing ‘Standing on the Shoulders’ to the Year 12 students – it was a wonderfully inspiring performance!

The assembly also presented the opportunity to award Gold, Red and Blue Angel Wings to senior students for the completion of Christian Service hours. In addition, Balgo House was awarded the College Cup for 2018 recognising the House’s outstanding performance and effort thoughout the year.

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The College Captain and Vice, Olivia Straker and Bronte Alexander, also delivered their final addresses to the community, expressing their heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Merici College students and staff.

As a symbol of their appreciation for the school and reminder of the Year group’s contributions to the College over the years, the Class of 2018 presented the school with a gift.

This art installation is based off St Francis of Assisi ‘Creation of the Creed’ which highlights how interconnected all of us are to the earth. The gift highlights the school’s efforts for sustainability and community.

At the end of the assembly, the auditorium erupted with a loud roar as the Year 12 students processed out full of pride singing the school song!

Source: Merici College facebook page

The Catholic Voice loves to help publicise and promote activities going on across the Archdiocese. If you have story tips, photos or stories you’d like to share with us (including Year 12 farewells), please let us know at catholic.voice@cg.org.au or chris.gordon@cg.org.au.


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